This season, Hank will join the writer’s room as his hit film Santa Monica Cop becomes a
television series of the same name (with Nero signing on as guest star). Hank is riled frequently by his boss, the show’s grizzled, old-school executive producer Rick Rath (guest star Michael Imperioli) and his writing team peers, including Goldie (guest star Mary Lynn Rajskub) and Alonzo (guest star Alonzo Bodden). But he’s thrown by the reemergence of old friend Julia (guest star Heather Graham), whose arrival causes chaos in Hank’s already hectic life and with his ongoing relationship with Karen (Natascha McElhone).
Meanwhile, Charlie (Evan Handler) and Marcy (Pamela Adlon) are grappling with the aftermath of their reunion and by an enticing offer from her ex-husband, Stu Beggs (guest star Stephen Tobolowsky).
television series of the same name (with Nero signing on as guest star). Hank is riled frequently by his boss, the show’s grizzled, old-school executive producer Rick Rath (guest star Michael Imperioli) and his writing team peers, including Goldie (guest star Mary Lynn Rajskub) and Alonzo (guest star Alonzo Bodden). But he’s thrown by the reemergence of old friend Julia (guest star Heather Graham), whose arrival causes chaos in Hank’s already hectic life and with his ongoing relationship with Karen (Natascha McElhone).
Meanwhile, Charlie (Evan Handler) and Marcy (Pamela Adlon) are grappling with the aftermath of their reunion and by an enticing offer from her ex-husband, Stu Beggs (guest star Stephen Tobolowsky).
Oliver Cooper, Brandon T. Jackson, Roger Howarth and Mercedes Masohn also guest star.
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