Those big X-Files premiere ratings were no fluke (man).
Monday’s second episode delivered startlingly large numbers too: 9.7 million viewers – and this is the really impressive part – a 3.2 rating among adults 18-49. That’s from airing 8 p.m. last night, so there was no lead-in (unlike Sunday’s debut which had a run-up with the big NFC championship game). In fact, in its new regular time slot X-Files crushed CBS’ Supergirl (1.8 rating) and ABC’s The Bachelor (2.3 rating) and was the highest-rated broadcast program of the night.
X-Files also helped give a strong launch to Fox’s new supernatural drama Lucifier at 9 p.m. (7.1 million viewers, 2.4 rating). Lucifer ranked as the night’s second-highest rated show (despite getting pretty weak reviews).
And you know what the X-Files performance means, right? Especially given its ability to help launch a new show like Lucifer that had such low expectations? That’s right: More revivals and reboots! Sure everybody scoffs online when yet another revival title is announced but … overnight numbers like this are very hard to come by nowadays, and this performance will send executives diving back into their libraries wondering: What else might work? But before they get too excited, we have two words of caution for them: Minority Report.
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